Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is the mission and vision of your organization?

Our mission is to empower rural education through virtual mentorship, fostering English language and foundation Mathematics skills along with holistic development through Experiential Learning Pedagogy. Our vision is to create an inclusive, equitable future where education transcends borders.

2. Which geographical areas do you operate in?

Currently, we operate in West Bengal, focusing on rural areas like Sundarbans, South and North 24 Parganas, and urban schools in Kolkata. We intend to spread out in whole of Eastern India and eventually all over India in the near future.

3. What are the main challenges you face in your work?

The main challenges include digital literacy gaps, limited resources, teacher crises, and infrastructural constraints in rural areas.

4. How does your work address these challenges?

We address these challenges through our "Teach to Each" Mission, leverage virtual mentorship, experiential learning, and digital fluency training to overcome these challenges.

5. How do you identify and prioritize communities in need of your services?

We prioritize communities based on educational disparities, working closely with local schools and help groups.

6. What are the specific challenges faced by rural education in India?

Challenges include limited access to quality education, language barriers, lack of exposure to modern learning methods, lack of experiential learning techniques, quality education, digitization, etc.

7. What is the impact of your work on the communities you serve?

One of our key project "Angrezi Medium" in partnership with Rotary Club of Avyanna has achieved a 90-94% success rate, fostering leadership, empathy, and personal development in both urban and rural students.

8. What are your key programs and initiatives?

Our various programs and initiatives include "Angrezi Medium", Teachers' Training, Parent Calibration and Awareness, Experiential Learning, "QuizziCal", Career and Skill Awareness for Students from the Foundation Stage, Art Integrated Learning, Blended Knowledge Management System which focuses on virtual mentorship for English language and Mathematic skills, complemented by digital fluency training.

9. How do you measure the impact of your programs?

We measure impact through success rates, feedbacks, analytics, and documented progress, with a keen focus on students' overall development.

10. How do you ensure the quality of education provided?

Rigorous mentor selection, curriculum development, and continuous monitoring ensure the quality of education provided by us.

11. What are your sustainability plans for the future?

We aim to expand our reach, collaborate with more partners, and explore innovative funding models for sustained impact.

12. Do you partner with any other organizations or government agencies?

We have collaborated with Pathanam, Rotary Club Avyanna, P. C. Chandra Group, and educational institutions like Jadavpur University and elite urban English Medium Schools.

13. Do you accept volunteers? If so, what kind of opportunities do you offer?

Yes, we accept volunteers for mentorship, curriculum development, and various support roles.


1. What areas of rural education do you focus on (primary education, secondary education, vocational training, etc.)?

Our flagship project "Angrezi Medium" in partnership with Rotary Club of Avyanna primarily focuses on Primary Education and English language along with Mathematics skills.

2. Do you provide formal education or non-formal education programs?

We provide formal education through blended virtual classes and non-formal education through digital fluency training and calibration.

3. What curriculum or teaching methods do you use in your schools?

Our curriculum emphasizes reading, listening, writing, speaking, and digital fluency, utilizing experiential learning methods as per NEP 2020.

4. How many schools/children do you currently support?

At present, we are supporting 9 Rural Schools and 6 Urban Schools across West Bengal.

5. Do you offer any scholarships or financial aid to students?

We are not currently offering scholarships due to funding crisis, but our program is designed to be inclusive and accessible to all.

6. Do you provide any vocational training or skill development programs?

"Teach To Each" Mission offers vocational training through real-world experience and career-enhancing credentials.

7. Do you offer any after-school or extracurricular activities for students?

Yes, we incorporate extracurricular activities to nurture holistic development and skill awareness.

8. How do you address the specific needs of girls' education in rural areas?

We genuinely believe that Girl's Education is very important for a matured and developed society. Thus, we address that specific need through tailored mentorship, fostering confidence and skills.

9. Do you provide any support for children with disabilities?

We aim to include all students and are exploring ways to support children with disabilities.

10. Do you provide any training or support for teachers in rural schools?

Our mentors undergo blended training to ensure effective teaching techniques.

11. How do you address the issue of infrastructure and learning materials in rural areas?

We address infrastructure challenges by leveraging blended virtual platforms and providing experiential learning with digital resources.

12. How do you help students transition from rural education to higher education or employment?

Our Mentors guide students through transitions, offering insights into higher education and career paths.

13. How do you address the issue of gender equality in education?

Our "Teach to Each" Mission promotes gender equality through inclusive mentorship and tailored support.

14. Do you have any programs to promote digital literacy in rural areas?

Yes, we actively promote digital literacy in rural areas.

15. Do you have any programs that address health, hygiene, or sanitation issues in rural communities?

While our primary focus is on education, we collaborate with partners to address health and hygiene issues.

16. Do you offer any adult literacy or skill development programs for rural communities?

Currently, our focus is on primary and foundation education, but we are open to exploring adult literacy initiatives.

Impact and Sustainability:

1. What are the long-term goals of your education interventions?
2. What are the biggest challenges to improving the quality of education in rural India?

The biggest challenges include Digital Disparities, Infrastructural Limitations, Teacher Crises, and the need for continuous adaptation to evolving educational needs.

3. What are the challenges you face in ensuring long-term success?
4. How do you ensure the long-term sustainability of your programs in rural communities?

We seek diverse funding sources, strategic partnerships, and community engagement for sustained impact.

5. How do you ensure the sustainability of your programs after external funding ends?

We focus on creating self-sustaining models and community ownership to ensure program continuity.

6. How do you collaborate with other organizations and stakeholders in the rural education sector?
7. What are the success stories of your work in rural education?

"Angrezi Medium" has garnered awards, bridged digital gaps in Sundarbans, and resonated with first-generation learners. We have successfully implemented "Teach To Each" Mission beyond continents.

8. How do you monitor and evaluate the progress of your students?

We employ regular progress tracking, review assessments, and feedback mechanisms to monitor student development.

9. How can I track the progress of your work?

Updates, analyses, videos, and photos showcasing progress are regularly shared on our blended knowledge management apparatus and social media platforms.

10. How do you involve the local community in your work?

We involve the local community through participatory approaches, seeking feedback and insights.

11. How can the government, private and other stakeholders better support rural education initiatives?

Government, brands, private entities, and other stakeholders can support us through funding, mentorship, and advocacy.

12. What are the emerging trends in rural education that you are watching?

We closely monitor trends in digital education, virtual mentorship, and community-driven initiatives.

13. What are the lessons you have learned from your work that can be applied to other contexts?

Flexibility, adaptability, and community collaboration are key lessons learned for effective rural education initiatives.

14. How can we create a more equitable and inclusive education system for all children in India?

Collaboration, technology integration, and community involvement are essential for creating an equitable education system.

15. What are your hopes for the future of rural education in India?

We envision a future where every child, regardless of location, has access to quality education and equal opportunities.

16. How can we stay updated on your work and achievements?

Regular updates and achievements are posted on our website and social platforms.

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